¿ Cuánto tiempo esperaré al código de desbloqueo de red ?

Tiempo de espera al código de desbloqueo para ZTE es de 1 a 5 días hábiles.

El tiempo medio para obtener el código es de 2 días 14 horas 51 minutos. El tiempo medio ha sido calculado en base a las 50 últimas órdenes de pedido presentadas por nuestros clientes.



El último comentario sobre el desbloqueo

  • Desbloqueo eficaz. En menos de 24h estuvo pese a ser un módem ZTE.

    Vicent - 2018-07-19 13:59:06

  • Todo correcto y relativamente rapido. Un placer, gracias.

    Jaime - 2015-07-23 20:47:46

¿ Cómo introducir el código al teléfono ZTE MF60 ?

1. Encienda el teléfono con una tarjeta SIM no aceptada por el dispositivo (de otro operador).
2. Si la tarjeta tiene PIN, introduzcalo y pulsa OK.
3. El teléfono pedirá el código de operador o código de red, ahora introduzca el código que hemos facilitado y pulse OK.


2019-07-01 11:22:44 ilario

Sblocco effettuato senza problemi e veloci ad inviare il codice, grazie.

2019-01-03 10:19:56 Antonello

Perfetto. Sbranderizzato modem. Servizio efficiente e in tempi programmati.

2018-09-19 15:32:23 Joram zimbabwe

was not sure about you guys, but I am so excited you helped me resolve my problem. Now my modem is free to use with you guys. I will definitely use you again.

2018-09-03 09:55:27 Peter

Your service is great. You guys are awesome. Peter, Nigeria.

2018-07-19 13:59:06 Vicent

Desbloqueo eficaz. En menos de 24h estuvo pese a ser un módem ZTE.

2018-06-19 19:33:40 Balazs

Perfect for me Thanks :)

2018-05-17 13:56:21 martin

Hat sofort funktioniert - Bravo

2018-02-09 19:30:04 Gevorg

Thank you

2018-01-26 13:10:23 Bernhard

Super grklappt, nach etwa 12h Code erhalten und auf Anfrage schnelle Anleitung erhalten Top Service

2017-12-14 15:47:50 Vitor

Solved. The code worked OK, the device is now onlocked.

2017-12-02 07:24:56 Emmanuel

Thank you so much sim-unlock.net; My WiFi Router is now accepting all the sim cards. I really appreciate.

2017-10-05 09:43:30 Gergely

Everything was fine, the unlock code work well.

2017-10-02 14:18:36 Rabiu

Works perfectly for me

2017-07-20 10:43:24 Mohd Saaidi

Great service i managed to unlock my device

2017-07-13 12:43:23 Anne

It worked.

2017-07-02 02:10:37 Luis Ribeiro

it work's. perfect service and very quick thanks

2017-05-28 14:03:36 Susan

Worked immediately. Happy thank you.

2016-11-03 15:35:01 gaurav

Fastest service by a mile. Worth the money

2016-08-27 16:27:00 Sergio


2016-08-04 21:35:48 Pal

helpfull and quick

2016-08-04 08:25:13 Pal

All ok

2016-07-23 17:33:02 Domenico

It works. Great. Thank you

2016-07-04 23:31:43 Slarre

Fast, reliable service and the code worked as promised.

2016-05-16 16:45:48 Jan

This service gave me the correct code for an O2 locked MF60 wi-fi hotspot where other free services did not. The procedure for unlocking the ZTE device is not as clear as it could be. I suggest the following: 1. Insert an unaccepted simcard (Simcard from a different network). The dongle will say Sim-lock. 2. Open a browser on a device connected by Wi-Fi to the dongle. 3. In the window that opens (depending on the dongle branding) you should have an option to change settings by using a password (often: admin). Otherwise enter and proceed to change settings. 4. A window will open saying there is a Sim-lock and leaving space for an unlock code. 2. Enter the unlock code provided by sim-unlock.net. The device is now unlocked.

2016-05-02 14:18:49 KOUAKOU FLORENT

Super satisfait merci pour le coût réduit

2016-02-12 02:57:32 Raoul

Thanks That was very easy to unlock my zte mf60 with that code. All take only a few minutes to fix.

2016-01-31 23:11:45 daniel

unlocked thank you will use you again have saved your page next one i do 2mora

2016-01-27 14:38:15 berih

Very quick service; support oavailable always Thanks for the great price for the help I hoppe i will use your service again soon Greetings

2016-01-04 17:36:40 Pawe³

Dzia³a polecam Kod wpisuje siê w przegl±darce z w³o¿on± kart± której nie obs³uguje :)

2015-12-04 21:30:00 Abdoulaye

Very nice service fast and correct less than 10 mns

2015-11-24 16:34:54 Edward

very fast and on time

2015-08-05 18:40:58 Krzysztof

wielki pozytyw.Pozdr

2015-07-23 20:47:46 Jaime

Todo correcto y relativamente rapido. Un placer, gracias.